It's often said that moving home is one of the most stressful things you can do. There are multiple moving parts with any given move and a hiccup in one place can have a knock-on effect for everyone else involved.
Here are a few examples of how things can go wrong...
• The buyer at the bottom of the chain loses their job which puts your move on hold.
• The removal team call to say they've contracted Covid-19 the day before you move.
• The cheap solicitor your buyer used is uncontactable the day you are meant to exchange contracts.
All of them are total 'day-ruiners' and all completely out of your control!
So what can you do?
Below are three tips for how you can minimalise the chances of things going wrong (and thus your stress levels) throughout the process of moving home.
1. Construct your power team wisely
Your power team is your estate agent, solicitor and mortgage broker. These are your three key partners when it's time to move and choosing well can be the difference between a stressful or stress-free move. A good team will fight your corner when issues arise and will do the work in the first place to minimalise the chance of things going wrong. A good example of this is an estate agent thoroughly qualifying a buyer to ensure they are committed to the purchase. Ask trusted sources for recommendations and look at reviews online.
2. Sell before you buy, or break the chain
I know what you're thinking - why sell your house before you've found the next one? You want to sell your house first as this gives you the best chance of selling high, and buying low - not the other way around. If you go to view a house without selling yours first, no decent estate agent is going to take you seriously as a buyer. Selling first allows you to focus on maximising the value of your property and finding a buyer who is willing and able to wait for you to buy your next house. Alternatively, you could sell your home and rent short term. This is of course extra hassle but puts you in the ultimate power position of having no chain when you sell or buy!
3. Start packing... now!
Packing up a house is a lot of work. Especially if you have been at the property a long time, with a lot of stuff, and no doubt some emotional attachments too! My advice is to start packing early. Not all of it, but at least make a start. This not only helps to declutter your house before it goes on the market, but it is the start of getting your mind in gear for the move. Mentally section all of your things into three parts - things you use daily, things you use sometimes, and things you never use. Get some boxes and begin packing the things you never use - I promise you will feel better for it once a few boxes are full and ready to be shipped to your new home!
I hope these three tips are helpful as you plan to make your move. If you'd like to discuss buying, selling or coping mechanisms for stressful moves, you can contact me anytime!