New Covid rules for moving home

New Covid rules for moving home

We are now 2 full years into the pandemic – wow! March is also the year we soft launched our business, just 6 days before the first lockdown. So how are we all effected now and what does it mean for the home moving process?

What are the new Covid rules for moving house…?

Most of the ‘The Plan B’ restrictions have mostly been lifted now and last month Boris Johnson announced that all remaining Covid restrictions in England have come to an end. The new version of ‘normal’ is here…

But there are still rules in place, which vary depending on where you live, and if you’re fully vaccinated. We took this Q&A from and feel it covers most questions for you.

Can I view a property in person?

Short answer, yes you can. If you test positive for Covid-19 in England you are no longer required to self-isolate however it is strongly advised that you stay home and avoid contact with others for at least 5 days. In Wales and Scotland you are still required to isolate for the five full days. In Northern Ireland, although not a legal requirement, you are strongly advised to self-isolate if you test positive.

We understand that when you find that dream home, all you want to do is view it in person. However, if you test positive for Covid-19 viewing the house of your dreams in person might not be possible… So that’s why we offer virtual viewings. Meaning you can view the property safely from the comfort of your home. Just contact the Avocado Partner who is looking after the property and they’ll be able to arrange one for you.

Do I have to wear a face mask?

It depends where you live. There is no longer a legal requirement to do so in England – although if you’re viewing a property, a homeowner might ask you to, and some estate agents may also prefer you to wear a mask in their office, too. The government suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with other people you do not normally meet.

In Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, face coverings are still required in most public places.

Can I ask people to wear a face mask while viewing my property?

Yes you can. It is not legally enforceable in England, but it’s your home so you make the rules. If you’re worried, you can ask your estate agent to make sure buyers are wearing masks before showing them around. You might also be asked to vacate your current property during a viewing.

If you’re a tenant and there are viewings planned of your home, it’s a good idea to reach an agreement with your landlord about what’s best for you.

What happens if I test positive close to the completion date?

We recommend delaying the move until you have finished self-isolating/feeling better. Solicitors can make contractual provisions to manage the risks and possible implications of a delay, and can talk through your options with you. Nobody wants to catch Covid when moving into their new home!

Can tradespeople come inside my home?

Yes they can. It is still a good idea to sanitise surfaces before and after visits, and keep the windows open so that your rooms are well-ventilated.

As you can see from the Rightmove Q&A somethings are still down to individual common sense, but most, if not all, regulations and restrictions are lifted.

Should you have a more detailed questions, please use the contact us form and we’ll get straight back to you.

If this blog has given you the confidence to book a valuation, you can do so via this link here.

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