Sherko's Essential Tips for Selling Your Property

Sherko's Essential Tips for Selling Your Property

Selling your property can be a significant step, and with the right approach, it can also be a smooth and successful process.

Essential Tips for Selling Your Property

As your local Oxford estate agent, I have extensive experience with selling homes in Oxford and the surrounding areas. Here are my key tips to help you prepare and present your home effectively.

First Impressions Matter

The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers will see. Ensure your garden is well-kept, the paint is fresh, and any repairs are handled. A tidy, welcoming entrance can set a positive tone for the rest of the viewing.


To help buyers envision themselves living in your space, clear out the clutter and remove personal photos and memorabilia. Creating a neutral, inviting environment allows buyers to imagine their own belongings in your home.

Stage Your Home

Consider staging your home to highlight its best features. Simple touches like fresh flowers, new cushions, and a clean, bright look can make your property more appealing. Think about the flow of the space and how each room can be presented in its best light.

Set the Right Price

Setting the right price is crucial. An overpriced property can linger on the market, while underpricing might lead to a quick sale but not necessarily the best return on your investment. Work with your estate agent to set a competitive price based on current market conditions and comparable properties in your area.

Professional Photography

High-quality photos are essential in today’s market. Most buyers start their search online, so having professional, well-lit images can make a significant difference in attracting potential buyers. Showcasing your property at its best can lead to more interest and viewings.

Be Flexible with Viewings

Finally, be flexible with viewing times. Potential buyers might have busy schedules, so accommodating evening and weekend viewings can make your property more accessible and increase the chances of a sale.

If you're thinking of moving home, please get in touch on the details below. I'd love to help! 

07916 843 604

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