Want to Buy a House and Move Before Christmas? Here’s How to Make It Happen!

Want to Buy a House and Move Before Christmas? Here’s How to Make It Happen!

If you're aiming to move into your new home before Christmas, time is of the essence! The home-buying process typically takes around 12-16 weeks, so starting now is key to making it happen. With the right steps in place, you can be settled in just in time to enjoy the festive season in your new home. Here's how to make it a reality.

If you're thinking about buying a house and moving into your new home before Christmas, now’s the time to act. On average, it takes 12-16 weeks to complete the home-buying process in the UK; from making an offer to moving in. Whether you're aiming to be settled by Christmas or just want to avoid the busy New Year property market rush, having a clear plan will ensure a smooth move. 

Step-by-Step Guide to Moving Before Christmas 

Step 1: Get Your Finances in Order for Your Home-Buying Process (September - Early October) 

The first step to ensuring a smooth move is sorting out your finances. This includes speaking with a mortgage advisor to get an agreement in principle and setting a clear budget. Being financially prepared gives you a stronger position when making an offer on a property. 

Tip: Having a mortgage offer ready means you can act quickly, which is crucial when aiming for a pre-Christmas move. 

Step 2: Start Your Property Search in a Competitive Market (Sept - Mid October) 

With your finances sorted, it’s time to start your property search. The market is competitive, so it's important to act quickly when you find something you like. Work closely with your estate agent to view properties that meet your criteria as soon as possible. 

Tip: Sign up for the Avocado Property Heads Up Property Alerts to find the perfect property for you without missing any opportunities.

Step 3: Make an Offer (Mid-October Latest) 
Once you’ve found the right property, it’s time to put in an offer. Make sure your offer is competitive to avoid drawn-out negotiations, which can significantly eat into your timeline. 
Tip: As soon as your offer is accepted, instruct a solicitor right away to get the legal process moving quickly. 

Step 4: Start the Legal Process (Mid - Late October) 

Choosing the right solicitor is a critical step in ensuring your move stays on track. It’s important to make this decision as soon as your offer is accepted. Ideally, use a solicitor who understands the local area, as they will have valuable experience dealing with the local authorities and the specific type of property you’re purchasing. This local expertise can help streamline the legal process and avoid unnecessary complications. 

Once selected, inform your solicitor of the timeframes and deadlines, ensuring they can meet your desired completion date. Clear and consistent communication with all parties involved—your solicitor, estate agent, and mortgage provider—is key to ensuring all paperwork is completed promptly. Confirm with your solicitor that they can accommodate the schedule and are prepared to prioritise the timeline based on their availability and experience. 

Tip: Get property searches and surveys requested early to prevent any potential hold-ups. 

Step 5: Finalise Your Mortgage Offer (Late October - Early November) 
Your mortgage lender will need to conduct a property valuation and complete the final checks. Make sure all necessary documents are submitted to avoid delays. With a mortgage agreement in place, this step should be straightforward. 
Tip: Stay in close contact with your solicitor and mortgage advisor to ensure things progress smoothly without unnecessary delays. 

Step 6: Exchange Contracts (Late November – Early December) 
This is the legally binding milestone in the home-buying process. Once contracts are exchanged, both parties are legally committed to the sale, and you can relax. Aiming for late-November gives you enough time for completion before Christmas and time to settle into your new home. 
Tip: Ensure all your paperwork and finances are in place to avoid last-minute complications during the exchange. 

Step 7: Complete and Move In (Late November - Early December)

Once contracts are exchanged, completion usually follows a few weeks later. When the funds are transferred and the keys are handed over, you’re officially a homeowner! Aim to complete by early December, giving you time to settle in before Christmas.
Tip: Create a checklist of essential tasks for moving day, such as updating your address, transferring utilities, and notifying key contacts. This will help you stay organised and ensure a smooth transition into your new home. Read our tips on moving home with a young family.

3 Massive Tips Why You Might Want to Move Before Christmas? 
  1. Settle In Before the New Year: Moving before Christmas allows you to be fully settled in your new home, giving you a fresh start for the year ahead without the stress of moving during the festive period. 
  2. Beat the January Rush: The property market tends to surge in January, with many buyers and sellers entering the market after the holiday season. By moving before Christmas, you avoid the increased competition that comes with the New Year rush. In January, more buyers flood the market, making it harder to secure viewings, negotiate offers, and move quickly. Additionally, solicitors, estate agents, and removal companies often face higher demand, which can lead to longer waiting times and delays. Moving before Christmas ensures you stay ahead of this rush and avoid being caught in the crowd, giving you a smoother, less stressful transition into your new home. 
  3. New Year Sales for kitchens, bathrooms, furniture, and DIY products can be taken advantage of in January. If you are in your new home in December, it means you can save thousands on new purchases in January via the Boxing Day and New Year Sales. 

Ready to Move? Let Us Make It Happen 
Moving before Christmas is entirely possible with the right planning and expert support. We’re here to help guide you through the process, ensuring everything runs smoothly and on time. 
If you're ready to start your journey towards moving before Christmas, get in touch with us today and join our Heads-Up Property Alerts

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