Buying a house for oneself can surely be one of the best and most pleasant experiences in a lifetime. After all, it’s an investment that requires careful research. And only after a well thought out plan coupled with effective implementation, the perfect property is bought. Now comes the next part; if the purchased house or apartment would be used as a buy-to-let one. In that case, homeowners should be particularly wary about how they must carry out the work.

So, after all the stress of putting the paperwork together and aligning documents, preparing your home for its next owner, your home is finally on the market, congrats!

Finding a property for rent can be challenging! But you will be surprised to know that tenants are not the only ones facing the challenge, landlords face an equal problem in finding tenants. Having a property or portfolio of properties won’t be much of use to you, if you are not able to fill them with good tenants. Long gone are the days where landlords had the upper hand. The competition among landlords in UK is increasing as more landlords are putting their property in the saturated market.

Commencing duties as a landlord is a daunting task. There is a bewildering amount of legislation and best practices to keep up with. While you are busy making sure things are going nicely, it’s easy to overlook things coming your way and keeping up to speed with the latest changes in landlord legislation.

The demand for rental properties in the UK is quite high nowadays. This is mostly due to higher house deposits, and tougher mortgage rules making it difficult for people to buy their own home.

Whether you are looking to rent out your perfectly located apartment or entering the buy-to-let market, you are in for a whirlwind of legal responsibilities.

When it comes to moving home, you are probably more focused on what you want from your new house rather than thinking about the sale of your old house. But it is important to make sure that your old house is shown in its best light to get a good sale. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you prepare beforehand.

No one likes to get stuck in a situation they do not like and we certainly hate the feeling that something isn’t right with a decision we have made. Sometimes, it is not the fact that they are inefficient, it may be because you would rather use another method of sale.

Buying and selling a house can be a very stressful time. This is particularly true when you are in a chain.

These are two schemes that are aimed at helping people get onto the property ladder. They are available to those that would not otherwise be able to purchase a house on the open market. However, many people get confused about the differences between the two, so we take a look at which scheme could be right for you.

As we look to put the long winter months behind us and hope for slightly warmer weather and less rain, it is a good idea to refresh your home ready for the new season. As spring is the season of growth and renewal, you should do the same to your home. We look at some of the best ways that you can do this.

Over the past years, cases of rogue landlords have crept their way in. This gives the letting industry a negative reputation. Although, you may find that from ten landlords, only a small number have unprofessional tendencies, masking the entire industry negatively. Having a peaceful and fruitful encounter with the landlord is every tenant's desire. To achieve this, we have outlined some of the issues you may consider avoiding to fulfill your desire. This applies whether you are looking for a house from the available online portals or the physical search. Read on!